Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Must Have Tiger Blood

Well, after a harrowing couple of days refreshing the Results webpage, swooning when I saw a new PNQ prompt on my registration page, and trying to remain focused (failing, mostly), I've discovered that I have passed the February 2011 FSOT!


However, there's a twist--there are SIX Personal Narrative Questions this time around. Two essays on the FSOT, six PNQs... thanks a pantsload, DOS.

Ah well. Here's my score breakdown this time around:

JK: 56.76
Bio: 62.30
EE: 59.67
Total: 178.73

Essay: 8

I'm most surprised about the essay part of it. An 8? Really? I must have been off my game that day! Oh well. I hadn't practiced writing an essay in more than a year at that point. For all my work as a technical writer, I really write very little new content. I need to get in the habit of writing in my free time. Plus, I miss writing.

So that is that! On to Phase 2: PNQ Thunderdome.

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