Friday, March 25, 2011

The Waiting Game

Personal Narratives = Submitted.
OMS Application = Submitted.

What do I do now? Wait.

There is so much waiting in this process. So. Much. Waiting. Sometimes I don't mind. I play it cool and tell folks that it doesn't matter either way what happens. If only that were true! It totally matters. I want this year to be my year.

I want to get some good news. I've been at this stage before, and while I'm happy to be here again (knowing that so many don't get this far), I'd like to experience the joys/frustrations of the next stage.

Before I can experience any of that, however--I wait.

1 comment:

  1. You are a kick-butt writer, a fun friend, an amazing cat's mother and by golly - people like you. You will get the golden ticket this time.
